Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Taken to Heaven to Meet Family and Friends
Message from Heaven to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on October 31, 2024

In the morning, the Angel came and took me to Heaven. In a beautiful garden, I met saintly people, about four hundred ladies all dressed in white. I knew many of these ladies while they were alive here on earth.
Amongst this group, I saw my sister Angela, my cousin Antonia, who used to live in New York, who I had not seen since we all left Slovenia in our youth, and other relatives and many friends I knew from childhood. This group was mainly new arrivals to Heaven. These ladies all died in their older age, but here in Heaven, they were all young-looking.
They were so happy and joyful, but what amazed me was their laughter and giggling.
Curious, I asked them, “What are you all doing? Why are you all laughing?”
They answered, “Because we are all happy that we are gathering together, walking and talking and laughing, praising our Lord and thanking Him. We are praying for all of you on earth.”
None of these ladies asked me about anybody here on earth, including their loved ones. They did not miss anyone on earth—they are full of love. They are giggling because they all know each other. Our Lord knew how they loved each other and were friends while alive on earth, so He allowed them to be together to share.
I asked them, “Do you go to sleep now if you are tired?”
They answered, “Oh, if we want, we can lie down, but we are not tired.”
I said to them, “Gee, I would get used to that.”
The ladies said, “Valentina, can you stay with us? You are the one that helped us to come here.”
I would have loved to stay with them, but the Angel interrupted and said, “Come, we cannot stay any longer. You have to go across the road. A lady is waiting for you—she wants to explain something to you.”
I said to the ladies, “I’ll come back.”
The Angel and I crossed the road between lush greenery and a double-storey building. High up on the exterior of the building, I noticed very large statues of the Holy Family—Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus. I had never seen this before on my visits to Heaven.
We entered the building, and a mature, beautiful, and holy lady greeted us, dressed all in white with hues of blue—this represents that she is higher up in Heaven and merits more. She held a piece of paper in her hand. There were a few other people present as well.
I thought, ‘I know this lady—I met her in Heaven once before’.
The lady did not tell me her name. She said, “I am in charge of the groups. I am the one who arranges the groups, but our Lord puts them together. I guide them and direct them. It is like school—I tell them what to do, when to pray, when to praise God, but they are free. They have freedom.” She then told me how they pray for people on earth.
This lady wanted to explain that when souls first reach Heaven, they need help acquainting themselves with Heaven to know where to go and what to do. She is in charge of these groups and guides them. There are many groups of people in Heaven.
The Angel said, “You now have to go back to the group.”
I turned around, going towards the door to leave the building and return to the group of ladies I had just met. As I came to the door, four Angels blocked the doorway. They were not very tall Angels, and they lay prostrated on the ground, blocking my exit. Two other Angels were standing just in front of me, on either side.
I said to the Angels, “I have to go back to the other group. How am I going to get through the door if you’re here? Could you please stand up?”
They answered, “We cannot. You have no permission to go there anymore.”
I said, “Why not? I just came from there, and I want to go back. How am I going to get out of here?” Confused, I looked back to see if the saintly lady could help me leave the building, but she seemed occupied with other people.
At that moment, in a rush like the wind, our Lord Jesus appeared on His knees, sliding towards me, grabbing me by my legs, and hugging me to Himself. I noticed that I was wearing a long skirt while I was in Heaven. I was so shocked and embarrassed. And then our Lord laughed joyously, and I laughed, and we laughed together.
He said, “You see, you worry for nothing—I Am the only One Who can give you permission to leave, no one else!”
I then realised that was why the angels lay prostrated on the ground; they were awaiting our Lord.
He said, "You see My Teaching? In everything, I give permission—nothing is done without Me. I can do anything I like. They all obey Me, but I Am not severe with them—I love everyone."
“You know why I did that [grabbing my legs]? You were very sad and depressed, and you had a lot of suffering, and I came to cheer you up—this is your little reward. You see how joyful we are. We are now both happy.”
Our Lord placed such a joy in me that as He laughed, so did I. We just laughed and laughed.
Lord Jesus asked, “Did you see how friendly and happy everyone is in Heaven?”
I said, “Lord, you are full of surprises!”
Our Lord and I were joyously laughing, as were the ladies across the street—all joy and happiness. The Angels remained prostrated the whole time I was there with our Lord.
When I returned home, I thought, ‘Gee, I don’t believe it—why would our Lord grab me by the legs—I felt a little bit embarrassed’.
While making a cup of coffee in my kitchen, I said to our Lady, “Oh, Blessed Mother, I feel a little embarrassed by what our Lord has done.”
She said, “My Son loves you so much—He likes to have a little joke with His children. He comes to cheer you up because you have a lot of suffering.”
I felt so touched by our Lord’s actions. He is so beautiful. He knows everything: how you are, how you feel, and what you are going through. He knows every little fibre of our being.
Blessed Mother said, “You see how many beautiful friends you met—they are all happy in Heaven. Nothing is missing. But it is very hard to convince people on earth what is in the Afterlife.”
Through suffering, you get to rejoice in Heaven, and it is all through the Spirit of God that we breathe.
Source: ➥